America was founded on a common set of beliefs. What beliefs do we all have in common now? Rampant voting “irregularities” surrounding the election continue to be discovered and now we know that the last great American institution standing, the US Supreme Court, clearly wants no part of any election dispute. Should our country now rightly be called The Divided States of America? It sure seems that way!
It is also now eminently clear that China is at war with the US, and appears to have been for many decades, all the while many of our political leaders were either asleep at the wheel, or worse, were aiding and abetting China’s increasing influence in all aspects of society.
Against this backdrop there are dueling slates of electors that have been put forward in several states. How does that work when the votes are counted on Jan 6th? Most importantly, what will happen after Jan 20th? Are we still a constitutional republic or are we now something else?
We are back with Jay and Bruce to tackle and make sense out of the swirling mess. Join us for a really thought provoking podcast, as we ask the questions that no one else will!